SHOCKING!! This Is What Is Going On Between Wema And Jokate
Thursday, September 11, 2014
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As you know, Wema and Jokate have dated the same DUDE (Diamond) at the same time (Wema confirmed on media to saw dating text message from Jokate on Diamond’s cell phone while she was in relationship with Diamond) as the result Diamond break up with Wema and went to Jokate and then to Penny before he come back to Wema……
After that Saga many people thought that there is BIFU between them……But according to the above Wema Comment on Jokate’s INSTAGRAM photo……its hows there is no BIFU between them…They are still friend
Wema wrote this "Awwww......huyu hapa ni nani na kagauni chake kishweet...ntakuibia hicho screenshot nitafanya....."
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